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Snowcell provides serverless workers that run your code in the cloud, optimized for GPU workloads.

Key Characteristics

  • Fully Managed Infrastructure: Snowcell handles all underlying infrastructure, so your code runs in response to events without the need for manual server setup or maintenance. Focus on your application, and let us manage the rest.

  • Dynamic Scaling: Snowcell automatically scales your serverless workers based on demand, ensuring efficient resource utilization whether you’re running a single task or handling heavy GPU workloads.

  • Support for Diverse Workloads: Snowcell supports a wide range of workloads, from AI inference to rendering tasks. Our platform is designed to seamlessly run code in various programming environments suited for GPU processing.

  • Easy Integration: Once deployed, Snowcell provides you with a unique endpoint for each worker. This makes it simple to integrate your functions into your applications or workflows with minimal effort.

Get Started

To begin using Snowcell Serverless Workers:

  1. Write Your Code: Create your function using a supported framework or language, ensuring it is optimized for GPU usage.

  2. Deploy to Snowcell: Upload your code to Snowcell through our interface or API.

  3. Integrate and Execute: Snowcell will provide an endpoint for your worker, which you can easily integrate into your application to trigger jobs as needed.