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File Management

Upload a File

To upload a file to a specific bucket, you can use the Snowcell Console or the CLI:

snc upload-file --file_path PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE --bucket_name YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

Note that when uploading a file to a bucket, they will automatically be encrypted by Backblaze at arrival.

Download a File

To download a file from a specific bucket to your local system, use the Snowcell Console or the CLI:

snc download-file --file_name NAME_OF_FILE --bucket_name YOUR_BUCKET_NAME --destination_path DESTINATION_PATH

Here the destination path has a default value of the current directory.

Delete a File

To delete a specific file from a bucket, you can use the Snowcell Console or the CLI:

snc delete-file --file_name NAME_OF_FILE --bucket_name YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

Note that this is command is irreversible.